Visualization of Adlets and Sites
Adlets move from sites to sites to seek out new adlets or active documents, announce its own presence and collect information. In its movement adlets behave like magnets. An adlet or a collection of adlets can attract other adlets and pull them together. Conversely an adlet or a collection of adlets can repulse other adlets and push them apart. A collection of adlets is called a virtual site or simply a site. A virtual graph is the set of links and conceptual relations that characterizes a (virtual) site and its relations with other sites.
As described in the previous section, adlets and sites both have attraction/repulsion properties. Adlets are also directional. The direction of an adlet is a derived property and generally indicates the direction of greatest attraction/repulsion exerted by another adlet or another site. Site, on the other hand, does not have a directional property.
Figure 3 illustrates the visualization of adlets and sites, where an adlet is indicated by a wedge-shaped object and the direction of an adlet is indicated by the direction of the wedge's longer axis. The sites are indicated by round-shaped objects. For real sites, the sites' locations are their geographical locations. For virtual sites, the sites' locations are not geographical locations, but their logical locations in some virtual space. The distance between two virtual sites is proportional to the force of mutual attraction. One virtual site may span several real sites, and one real site may contain multiple virtual sites.
As shown in Figure 3, an adlet A1 will not visit all the sites on the Web, which will be far too numerous. Rather, only sites mentioned in the virtual graph of the site containing the active document that generates adlet A1 will be visited by this adlet. Since this virtual graph is dynamically updated when adlets are merged, an adlet's effective sphere of motion will change over time.
Merging of Adlets
When adlets collide, i.e., when their mutual attraction force exceeds a certain threshold and they are in the same site, the composition rules dictate whether two adlets should be merged to form new adlets, with the possible side effect of the updating of the virtual graph. Therefore an active document can be linked to another active document through the interaction among adlets, leading to the discovery of new relationships and information fusion. The four most important adlet composition operators are:
(1) Concatenation: Adlet 1 and adlet 2 are combined into a train of adlets, but this train is regarded as a single adlet. The visual operator is a 'train'. (adlet1

(2) Equi-Join: Adlet 1 and adlet 2 are joined into a single new adlet, with properties inherited from both parents. The visual operator is a 'heart'. (adlet1

(3) BW-Join: Adlet 1 destroys adlet 2 but takes over some of the latter's properties. The visual operator is a 'spider' -- the Black Widow. (adlet1

(4) Split: Adlet 1 is split into adlets 2 and 3. The unary visual operator is represented by a 'pair of scissors'. (

These operators can be combined to specify more complex operators. For example two adlets can first be merged by BW-join and the new adlet is then split into two. Thus we can specify adlets that are: consumed, forever circulating, procreative, and so on.
The application of any of the above operators may also lead to the update of the virtual graph, because when the adlets are merged, the documents they refer to need also to be related. The dynamic links are added to the active documents and the directed arcs are added to the underlying virtual graph. Thus the effect of the interaction among adlets is a continuous, dynamic update of the virtual graph. A site's virtual graph and its adlets together form its knowledge base. Therefore an important issue is when and how to update the virtual graph of a site.
Adlets Group Management and Negotiations
As explained above, when a user creates/updates a document the side effect could be the creation and communication of adlets. Since adlets are light-weight and inexpensive, they are exchanged in the negotiation among active documents prior to the transmission of actual documents. Therefore actual documents are not transmitted unless both participants express interest through the negotiation using adlets. When two documents negotiate on the prospect of joining a group, what they are negotiating is to find the admissible common subgraphs of the conceptual graphs (the profiles and targets) for the two documents.
Active documents can be viewed as a distributed group of entities cooperating toward establishing a relationship to advertise, discover and mutually enhance their contents. The establishment of such a relationship requires mechanisms to support updating of the virtual graph and group membership, and efficient algorithms to establish minimum cost probabilistic multicast trees.
The mechanisms to support updating of the virtual graph should allow the creation of new virtual links, while maintaining existing ones, mutual discovery of active documents, the establishments of adlet groups dynamically and the recruitment of new adlet group members. These mechanisms should be generic, extensible and ensure co-existence of different execution environments and network node architectures. Our approach is to provide a generic capability that would allow the encapsulation of the packet carrying an adlet, referred capsule, so that it integrates in its payload a program to be executed at the receiving end of a targeted active document. In addition to the executable program, the capsule may carry various options, including but not limited to authentication, confidentiality and integrity. The capsule uses its original specification parameters in terms of type, profile, advertising and recruiting strategies, to perform the required actions to determine the likelihood of a "common interest" relationship between the active document where the adlets originated and the targeted active documents. In case of a match the targeted document is invited to join the group adlets.
The generic mechanisms for adlet discovery and group management require efficient multicast tree design algorithms to support point-to-multipoint communication among active documents. This tree is derived from the virtual graph by finding the dynamic links among active documents with similar content, interest and semantics. The multicast tree is used to send capsules to recruit new active documents or advertise the profile of the originating document. From the routing point of view, an efficient multicast algorithm only replicates capsules when necessary, namely at the branching points of the tree. Furthermore the algorithm allows for dynamic membership as new members may join the multicast tree while other members may leave. These changes may impact optimality of the multicast tree supporting the traffic. Consequently, the multicast algorithm should deal with on-line changes in an efficient manner so that the actual delay observed by existing and new members during the exchange of information is bound, while the overall cost of the tree is minimized. This requires the development of efficient and simple multicast algorithms that guarantee an acceptable level of quality of service, while managing efficiently the network resources [Waxman88, Imase91].
Several attempts have been made toward the development of an efficient solutions for the multicast problem [Kompella93, Sun95]. Very little research work has addressed this problem with the context of active networks supporting adlet communication and negotiation. An intuitive solution to this problem is to rebuild the tree using a static algorithm whenever there is a change [Dalal78, Hakimi71, Winter87]. However, such a solution may have repercussions for members who remain in the group since there may be a disturbance in the communication. Furthermore, such a change may cause packets to arrive out of order. Another solution is to permit local or partial reconfiguration when modification to the membership occurs [Estrin97, Pusateri97, Zhang93, Deering91]. Yet another approach is to start with an optimal tree and make minimal changes as group membership changes without causing disruption to the members who remain in the group. This approach, however, may lead to large inefficiency [Alrabiah97]. While several issues related to static multicast algorithms have been the focus of research, supporting dynamic trees in WDM networks has not been extensively investigated [Waxman88, Imase91].
Virtual Graph Construction and Update
Active documents in our approach evolve under constraints so that the system can improve over time. This evolution is made possible due to the interaction among adlets, the recruiting and establishments of groups, the dynamic linking of documents and the updating of virtual graphs. Since the knowledge base consists of the adlets and the virtual graph, an important issue in making the constrained evolution possible is when and how to update the virtual graph of a site. Every time a new adlet is created, either because a new document is created or because two adlets are merged, the system needs to decide whether to update the virtual graph of the active document responsible for generating this adlet.
A subgraph of the virtual graph represents a conceptual view of the collection of information in a virtual site. Adlets may carry time-stamps to facilitate conceptual view integration through adlet merging and virtual graph updating. A virtual graph consists of embedded hierarchies (trees) of adlets to facilitate graph processing and searching. An example is illustrated in Figure 4.
A virtual graph consists of nodes N = {n1, ...., nk} and arcs A = {a1, ..., an}. Each node ni = (Si, Ti) is defined by a site Si and an adlet tree Ti. An arc (ni, nj) connects one node ni and another node nj if the two sites Si and Sj are conceptually related. Initially the virtual graph contains only a single node ni for the local site Si. Suppose this site has documents doc1, .., dock, the corresponding adlet tree Ti contains adlet1, ....., adletk, organized into a tree. Notice we assume the documents in a site, and thus the corresponding adlets, can be organized into a conceptual hierarchy.
In the virtual graph, each node has its own information such as how many and what kind of adlets reside. In addition to its local adlet information, a node has information about adlets which resides in other nodes. This information has distance information and this distance information will be used before an adlet starts traveling. The adlet will decide whether it should go for advertising or not depending on its scope of advertisement.
Since a node has distance information on all the adlets in a VG, as the adlet obtains richer information for itself by traveling through the network, this distance information can be used for retrieval of related documents. For example, suppose one adlet has information about its related documents. When a user poses a query for a document which the adlet represents, conditions with it would be that how (far) related documents should be retrieved. Since the adlet has information on related documents, the search engine can use this information to decide whether the related documents should be retrieved according to the distance information and depending on the given condition.
This distance information for the adlets that reside in other nodes can be shared among local adlets. Sharing the distance information may lead to low memory usage and effective computation for retrieval of related documents, because the search engine would be able to narrow down related documents that satisfy users' conditions before starting actual retrieving.
As explained above, hierarchies of adlets in a node can be dynamically computed as a new adlet is added to the node or an existing adlet is deleted from the node. Also, distances for conceptually related nodes can be expressed in some way such as using typical documents distances (center document distances in document clusters) between two nodes or average-like distances of related documents between two nodes. Therefore, we can focus on exchanging nodes' information in a VG.
6.1. VG Update Algorithm
In the following VG update algorithm, when a change, such as addition of an adlet and deletion of an adlet, occurs in a node, that node notifies the other nodes that a change has occurred.
The arcs connecting nodes represent the conceptual relations between nodes. Each node knows only directly connected nodes, so the node in which a change has occurred sends its updating information only to the connected nodes.
The node that received the updating information will check the received information referring to its current node-information-table, then update its node-information-table. If this node has a connected node, this node will send the updated information to its connected node. In this manner, the updated information will propagate through the VG.
Node Updating Algorithm
As illustrated by the example in Figure 5, the VG consists of nodes N = {n1, n2, n3, n4, n5}. For each connection of nodes, the distance is labeled on it. In the figure, the distance (arc) between nodes n1 and n2 can be expressed as (n1, n2) = 5.
Initially, each node makes a table, which looks like a routing table. The initial table for node n2 in this figure would be:
Table for n2
connectednode n1 5
adletname adlet6 0 null doc6 profile6 t6 nont6 aggressive
adletname adlet7 0 null doc7 profile7 t7 nont7 aggressive
adletname adlet8 0 null doc8 profile8 t8 nont8 aggressive
adletname adlet9 0 null doc9 profile9 t9 nont9 aggressive
adletname adlet10 0 null doc10 profile10 t9 nont9 progressive
nodename n2 This line tells us the name of this node, which is "n2."
The second row:
connectednode n1 5
This row tells us where this node, n2, is connected to and the distances to the node connected. From the row, n2 is connected to nodes n1 and the distances is 5.
The fourth through eighth rows from the top of this table, these rows tells us about the adlets that reside in this node.
Each value in the columns shows the adlet's name and its attributes.
Each row follows the format below:
adletname name distance route doc_id profile
target non-target ad_strategy
- adletname : tag string for the program to distinguish adlet information from other information name : name of adlet distance : distance to reach this adlet from this node. If this adlet resides in this node, the distance is 0 (zero). route : route to be taken from this node when reaching this adlet. If this adlet resides in this node the value is null doc_id : document id this adlet represents. This uniquely identifies the document to be advertised profile : profile of the document this adlet represents. This is a set of conceptual relations from a concept space characterizing this document target : a set of conceptual relations characterizing documents to be recruited no-target : a set of conceptual relations characterizing documents to be avoided ad_strategy : advertising strategy for this adlet
The node updating algorithm is summarized below.
Step 1: If a node (sender) has a change in its node-information-table, send new node-information-table to connected nodes (receivers).
Step 2: The receiver updates its table comparing with the table received from the sender.
- If the sender is a new node for the receiver, add an entry to the receiver's table with distance set to that of the sender's node (this distance is in the sender's table).
- If a new adlet is in the receiver's table, add the name of adlet and distance to the table. The distance is calculated by adding the distance between the sender and receiver to the distance of adlets. The route for this adlet is the name of the sender.
- If the sender is not new, this means the sender should maintain all the adlet information in the VG, and if a known adlet is in the receiver's table but not in the sender's table, take off this entry
Migration of Adlets
When a new document is created, if the corresponding adlet is reactive, the adlet stays in the local site and nothing more happens. If this adlet is aggressive, this adlet will travel to other sites in a dynamically computed multicast set according to the following policy: If (ni, nj) is an arc in the virtual graph, we compute the conceptual distance between Si and Sj, and if the distance is less than a threshold then Sj is added to the multicast set according to increasing order of this conceptual distance. In other words Sj with the smallest conceptual distance is added to the multicast set first, followed by the one with the next smallest conceptual distance and so on, until the preset maximal size is reached. The adlet can then travel to the nodes in the multicast set according to the negotiation protocol.
An Experimental Prototype
In our implementation of the experimental prototype we employ the active index system that forms the basic layer to implement adlets and active documents. Our approach is that an adlet is instantiated through the instantiation of active index cells. Using this approach the Active Index System will manage all adlets (index cells) and handles adlet migration through distribution of the index cells.
We are currently building an experimental prototype based upon the active index system. CORBA is used as the middleware for index cell management. In what follows we give an example of adlets in action. The behavior of the active index system is described in parentheses.
1. Initial State: As shown in Figure 4, the virtual graph VG has three nodes n1, n2 and n3. Node n1 is for site S1 with adlets adlet1, adlet2 and adlet3. Node n2 is for site S2 with adlets adlet4, adlet5, adlet6, adlet7 and adlet8. Node n3 is for site S3 with adlets adlet9, adlet10, adlet11, adlet12 and adlet13. There are arcs a12 and a23, indicating S1 and S2 are conceptually related, and S2 and S3 are conceptually related.
2. Adlet Creation: Suppose document3 has just been added to site S1, and the corresponding adlet3 is added to the virtual graph. (In active index system, this means an index cell ic3 is added to site S1.)
3. Adlet Migration: If adlet3 is aggressive, it will travel to conceptually related nodes. Since there is an arc a12, adlet3 can travel to site S2. (In active index system, this means index cell ic3 will send a message to IC_Manager of site S2 to clone itself! But the original ic3 will stay at site S1. In other words, the original adlet3 will never leave its home site. It is its clone that will materialize in other sites!)
4. Determination of Matched Adlets: Adlet3, once at site S2, will try to merge with adlets there. This is done by finding whether its target matches another adlet's profile, and its non-target does not match another adlet's profile. Let us say adlets adlet5 and adlet7 are thus identified. (In active index system, the cloned ic3 will broadcast messages to all ic's at site S2 and ic5 and adlet7 will respond.)
5. Adlets Merging by BW-Join: Adlet3 and adlet5 are merged. The adlet composition operator is the BW operator, symbolized by the Spider. Adlet3 absorbs adlet5. This means document3 should absorb some of the information contained in document5. What happens is that updated adlet3 will travel back to site S1 to update original adlet3. (In active index system, the message sent by ic5 to ic3, will cause ic3 to send a message back to the original ic3 at site S1, causing it to be updated.)
6. Updating of Virtual Graph: Using the algorithm described in the previous section, the virtual graph is updated. (In active index system, updating of virtual graphs may be an action performed by a special ic, or even the IC_Manager itself.)
7. Adlets Merging by Equi-Join: Adlet3 and adlet7 are merged. The adlet composition operator is the Equi-Join operator, symbolized by the Heart. Adlet3 and adlet7 are merged. Again, updated adlet3 will travel back to site S1 to update original adlet3, and the virtual graphs at various sites need to be updated. It is possible, that document3 and document7 now form a group with special links between them.
8. Retrieval of Documents: When a user wants to retrieve document3, the related documents such as document7 will be retrieved. (The retrieval_ic is activated, which activates ic3 and in turn ic7, to retrieve the actual documents document3 and document7.)
The experimental adlet prototype will be applied to the NSF Plant Genome Research Program which has an objective to develop shared resources and research tools that will enable plant genome research to advance efficiently, rapidly and in a cost-effective manner. This plant genome adlet system will be accessible through the Internet using a browser. The users - scientists, educators and students - can place annotated active tags (i.e. adlets) on important genome data items. These adlets are active and can travel from node to node, collecting additional information. The adlets can be organized hierarchically so that only adlets in a certain class are active during a user's search. For example an expert may want to retrieve information annotated by fellow scientists only, while a student may want to retrieve information annotated by teacher, fellow students and expert scientists. The system will be tested by researchers and graduate students of the University of Pittsburgh.
Comparison with Other Ongoing Research
One of the recent development to overcome the limitations of Internet browsers and improve Web-browser technology aimed at adding capabilities to enable communication between HTTP servers and clients and provide interactive construction and delivery of images in response to user input. The basic idea is based on the observation that browsers have always been driven by user input. Two complimentary mechanisms, server push and client pull, were proposed to provide the server with the added capability to push new data down to the browser and the client to either reload the current data or obtain new data. A related research effort aimed at developing active objects which make it possible for a browser to download a program, execute it and display the program user's interface in a web page. The paradigm of active objects was pioneered by Sun's Hotjava browser with Java Aplets. Java, however, does not have language-level support for distributed programming. The language does contain an application program interface for remote method invocation, but does not provide support for distributed network objects. To address this shortcoming the paradigm of active objects needs to be further extended in the development of distributed active objects that can communicate with other active objects located on different machines across the Internet.
Automated programs such as Web crawlers or indexing robots generally do not have the capability to identify the main characteristics of a document, for the Web documents lack the structure necessary to reliably extract the routine information that may result from a simple cursory inspection performed by a human user on a library index. Several approaches have attempted to address this problem and develop more efficient automated classification methods. The most common approaches seek to attach metadata to files to facilitate the indexing and classification of Internet documents based on the collected metadata [Weibel95]. The most significant of these efforts is the Dublin Core Metadata program and the affiliated endeavor, the Warwick Framework [Demsey96, Lagoze96]. Other research efforts such as WebSEEk [Beigi98] suggest possibilities for the indexing of visual information and demonstrate tools to combine key-word indexing with image analysis. However these research efforts have not adequately addressed the problem that a Web crawler may overload the server when indexing information is sought. This problem is partially addressed by Harvest [Bowman94, Bowman95], which provides an efficient architecture based on information gatherers to reduce the amount of overhead caused by information exchange between crawlers and visited sites.
A different approach to provide better support for structuring and management of Internet information aims at developing a set of tools and languages based on a data model which is used to describe the scheme of a Web hypertext in the spirit of databases [Abit97]. Using the data model, tools are developed to support database views of the Web. These views can then be analyzed and integrated using common database techniques to generate hypertextual views of the Web. A class of these research efforts view the Web as a large graph of unstructured documents and provide support for queries based on the structure of the graph. Several query systems for unstructured data have been proposed. W3QS [Kono95] uses common information retrieval techniques and the organizational properties of the hypertext to allow for both structure specifying queries and content queries, and provide management tools for Web forms. WebSQL [Mend96], WebLog [Laks96], Lorel [Abit96] and unQL [Bune96] are yet other efforts toward the formalization of languages, to support query locality, restructuring, querying heterogeneous and semi-structured information, and the provision of proper database techniques and constructs to analyze HTML documents and extract their structure.
Other papers, such as TSIMMIS [Chawa94], aim at integrating Internet information from the Web by extracting data from heterogeneous sources and correlating these data to generate an integrated database representation of the information. Information Manifold [Levy96] provides a specific support for querying on the basis of declarative descriptions of the contents of database records accessible through a fill-in form-based interface. These approaches demonstrate the feasibility of manipulating and integrating unstructured Internet information but do not address the important aspect of how these data are discovered and retrieved. These systems and the solutions they provide are very valuable in achieving the ultimate goal of Internet browsing and information retrieval. The exponentially increasing volume of the networked information, however, require "guidance" on where the limited time of an Internet user is to be spend in order to locate the most relevant documents for a given purpose. New frameworks are required to address these issues and ease the burden of feeding the crawlers that repeatedly scan the Web sites with information to index, thereby causing enormous amount of computing time to be wasted.
The adlet framework takes a different approach than most of the research efforts described above. The basic tenet of the adlet framework is that in many cases it is almost impossible for a user browsing the Internet to specify accurately the type of information sought or prescribe the best action to obtain the desired documents. This is due to the fact that (i) Web crawlers, spiders or indexing robots have difficulty identifying characteristics of a document such as its overall theme or its genre, and (ii) that Web-browsers offer little or no support to a structured view of the information on the Internet.
The adlet framework provides a new approach to resource discovery based on the concept of active document advertising. In this paradigm, a document builds metadata using a high-level specification of user preferences and joins a group of documents of the same interest, thereby enhancing its own content and advertising the metadata to other active documents for their respective enhancements. This aspect of "adaptive document reinforcement" enables the discovery and indexing of related documents and provides the basis of the fusion and better structuring of the Internet information for a faster and easier extraction, retrieval and manipulation of relevant fused information. Furthermore, the concept of advertising among adlets avoids the necessity to export the entire contents of a given site across the network to make up an index. The capability of the adlets to join other adlets provides the basis for the development of a dynamic and distributed graph of related documents that can be retrieved on demand.
Two important features make the above described approach applicable to applications in multimedia information fusion, information retrieval, data mining, geographic information systems, medical information systems and disaster management: a) any document, including web page, database record, video file, audio file, image and even paper documents, can be enhanced by an adlet and become an active document; b) any node in a nonactive network can be enhanced by adlet-savvy software and the adlet-enhanced node can co-exist with other non-enhanced nodes.
Active networks allow individual user, or groups of users, to inject customized programs into the nodes of the network. Active architectures enable a massive increase in the complexity and customization of the computation that is performed within the network, e.g., that is interposed between the communicating end points. We will deal with hybrid active networks where some or even all nonlocal nodes are unable to handle adlets. The approach is to provide an adlet extractor to extract adlets from documents. Thus at an adlet-enhanced node, incoming documents are converted into active documents by the extraction of adlets. The ad-strategy for such adlets will be reactive, i.e., these adlets that are extracted from documents will remain in their sites and do not travel. This way, adlet interaction is dealt with by the local node equipped with the adlet-savvy software. But as more and more nodes are enhanced with adlet-savvy software, the network becomes more active, and the behavior of adlets more sophisticated. The experimental system will provide a testbed for feasibility studies in such an active or hybrid network environment.
In Section 4 we described an approach for the visual specification of adlet types by annotation, and the visual operators for merging adlets. The semantics of this visual language [Chang96a] needs to be carefully investigated. Concerning visualization, we need to investigate how best to determine the direction of adlet movement. Since a site is characterized by a virtual graph, the attraction/repulsion must be defined in terms of this virtual graph. A further research topics is the following. Given an advertisement plan, we need to investigate how to express the advertisement visually by a visual sentence and translate the visual sentence into an executable plan based upon adlets.
We need to design the negotiation protocols, i.e., the e-proc's, so that given an advertisement plan the goal can be reached and the exchange of adlets and other network primitives leads to the goal of completed exchanges. In adlet interaction, who visits what site? Adlets migration may happen before or during or after adlets interaction. An important topic is how to apply multicast protocols in support of adlets negotiation protocols and routing. A large number of multicast routing algorithms were designed for either low end-to-end delay or efficient management of network resources. However, very few algorithms take both objectives into considerations. We need to develop new class of heuristics that will ensure acceptable average delays, based on the conceptual distance between sites, while minimizing the resources required to meet these delays. Based on these heuristics we can investigate the mechanisms and communication primitives to allow the dynamic encapsulation of these cooperating documents into a logical group. These primitives should allow the creation of a group of active documents, the addition of new members to the group and the exclusion of members from the group. Furthermore, these primitives must allow for the specification of the required level of quality of services in terms of conceptual distances between sites, the average and peak rate bandwidth requirements, and the acceptable delay variability when documents are actually exchanged.
As mentioned before the ad-strategy can be reactive or aggressive. A third type of ad-strategy can be introduced -- a progressive ad-strategy can start as a reactive strategy and become aggressive due to adlets merging or some other conditions becoming 'true'. We need to further explore different ad-strategies and their relationships to negotiation protocols.
Another related topic is the following. Given adlets, how to compose adlets (i.e. conceptual view integration) so that the initial conditions of negotiations are met. In the simplest case we need to verify the existence of a pair of profiles (profile1, profile2) consistent with (doc1, doc2). Adlet composition operators may be used in more complicated cases for information fusion negotiation protocols. These theoretical investigations will lead to a deeper understanding of document abstraction and advertising.
Acknowledgements: This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant IRI-9224563, "An Active Image Information System for Biomedical Image Databases". The virtual graph updating algorithm was developed by Miyawaki Kosuke. The Adlet prototype system is being developed by Ping-Wen Chen, Guanlin Shen and Longjiang Yang.
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