This project focuses on drip irrigation system used to control the amount of water in soil, the relative humidity and temperature of greenhouse. This project gives an additional facility of remote control form 50m to 200m range of radius of circle with FM based communication of frequency range of
10kHz to 40kHz for connection purpose .
This project also have additional modes such as -
1) Auto mode
2) manual mode.
This project has the capacity of handling five control valves .Out of these five control valves, three are used for irrigation control purpose and two are used for foggers control. Thus ultimately the humidity control is also handled.
Irrigation is as old as mankind and historically. Civilization has followed the development of irrigation. T h e ancient Indians and Babylonians as well as the Egyptians were prosperous and highly developed. Since they irrigated their land and thereby secured adequate food supply for their people. In modern times, when the world population is increasing by leaps and bounds, it is of almost importance to produce sufficient food to feed every one. Scientific utilization and management of irrigation water could be one of the best solutions. For the manner in which we utilize our resources can make a remarkable difference t o our achievements.
All of us aware of the gigantic strides taken by us in t h i s country for extending irrigation f aculties. At the be ginning o f the first five year plan only 26.6 million hectare of he land was under irrigation and this area has increased to 68.00 million hectare by the end of 1984-85. T he ultimate irrigation potential from both surface and ground water resources has been assessed as 113 million hectares. Even the quite a large portion of country will continue to depend upon rainfall for necessities proper planning and conservation of water and it's economical use by adopting all possible methods to increase its area under irrigation to the maximum possible extent.
As have already been stated, 56 percent of the total irrigated area is under well irrigation. Wells have been concentrated mainly in the drought prone areas where the automation is an electronic technique capable to control the process and It carries out wide variety of functions. The technique has input terminals to which sensors are connected .Switches and relays are connected to the out put terminals with final control element like control valves, lamps and motor .As the result of this automation. Operator can handle the his own greenhouse /field effectively
The irrigation facilities, which are available in India by the end of March 1983 are shown as below in table No1.
Table No.1 Irrigation Sources in India
More than 70% of our population directly depends on agriculture and remaining depends i ndirectl y on agriculture. Food being daily need of man, adequate production of food is must. The population is increasing after every decades therefore food production should also increase and for that more area should be brought under cultivation, by providing better irrigation facilities, proper irrigation system ensures full growth of crops and hence increase in yield. A sound knowledge of the climatic factors and understanding of the interdependence of the various components of the nature are essential to a scientific approach to forming based on planed cropping patterns and improved land and water management practices.
Irrigation may be broadly classified into
1) Surface Irrigation
a) Natural Surface Irrigation b) Pressurized Surface Irrigation
2) Subsurface Irrigation.
The subclassification can be shown as below in Tree Diag. No 1
Tree Diag.No.1 Classification of Irrigation
Irrigation methods:
conventional method and pressure rise method
sprinkler system:

Fig No.1 sprinkler system
In sprinkler system water is carried under pressure in pipes to a series of nozzle which spray it into the air some what resembling rain fall, Properly designed sprinklers apply water at the rate less than soils infiltration capacity so that water is immediately absorbed and does not flow. Owing to move uniform distribution of water and higher efficiency. Sprinkler irrigation is gaining .popularity at places where surface method can not be economically and efficiently used. It can be used for all types of soil and may types of crops. This method is specially useful for loamy and sandy soils. With the exception of Jammu and Kashmir in the Extreme north and in Tamilnadu in south, 80-90 percent of rainfall over the country occurs mostly during south west monsoon season. The success of agriculture in India, therefore depends primarily on the timely on set, proper amount and distribution of rains in a season . This uniformity and untimely nature of the rain has challenged the water resources and management, hence maximum utilization of the available water is become must. Apart from severe drought leading to crop failures, dry spells of varying lengths occurs in the monsoon seasons. They cause water st ress in the plants and the growth. The yields are affected adversely, if such stress periods occurs during the critical phases of the growth the crop. Therefore use of stored water during monsoon with controlled on the losses becomes the only solution. By the use of sprinkler irrigation the losses can be reduced to negligible resulting in a saving of water and more uniform distribution as well as increased yields.(see the fig No.1).

Fig No.2 Dripper
Dr ip system i s consider ed be most effi cient method of irrigation.
Irrigation efficiency is more than go percent. It saves 60% of water as
compared to surface irrigation. As t he deep percolati on losses are
prevented, there is efficient use of fertilizers. This is less labor and energy consumption method. Only limitation for adoption of this method is its high initial investment which is beyond the purchasing capacity of small farmers. At present its use is limited to
orchards and high value vegetables because of high investment.
Considering its potential, the MPAU has launched experimentation on this method to see its adaptability for irrigation various crops and plantations and to find how much water can be saved. The crops that have been covered so far are cotton, brinjal, tomato, cabbage, lady's finger, bitter guard, sugarcane, banana, lemon, pomegranate and grape. Main aim of this experimentation was to investing as to how much water is need to be applied through drip system and to find best (see t h e fig No. 2 ) level of irrigation.
Fig No 3: Drip irrigation system
Automation of irrigation system
Automation is an electronic technique capable to control the process and It carries out wide variety of functions. The technique has input terminals to which sensors are connected. Switches and relays are connected to the out put terminals with final control element like control valves, lamps and motor .As the result of this automation. Operator can handle the his own greenhouse /farm effectively .The system which we are going to design is of general type used to control drip irrigation. Basically the transmitter section consists the FM transmitter which transmits frequency of 10khz to 40khz powered by 9v battery
Fig no:4 Block Diag of F.M.
Transmitter with photo The FM transmit the Frequency between 10KHz to 40KH,. The transmitting range is up to 40m to 200m long. The LI and L2 value are used in IFT 1 is 6.8 MM and L2 is 13.6 MHz Inductance are used for
modulation through transistor BF 195. The BF 195 is the pnp type transistor and BC 548 is npn type transistor. This circuit is operated on 9v NICD battery. Controlled switch is used push-to-ON switch. Just press in single touch ,our Remote control circuit is on and transmitter antenna used for long distance transmission. The L and C network used in remote circuit, 0.25 watt resistance used in circuits.. Fig No.4 shows the block diag and Photo of transmitter ,for main details refer Fig No.6,[2] Transmitting antenna coil has 12 turns gauge of wire is 1 8G.S. ceramic disc
capacitor used are 0 . 1 to 0.03uf.
The receiver section also contains facility of two modes. The operator can select either manual mode or auto mode depending on the requirement .In auto mode , operator can set the time for drip irrigation and in manual mode operator himself can control the system.
Fig No.5 Block diag with photo of Receiver with controller With a references of Fig .No 5.,[2] In receiver section, the frequency of transmitter is received. Received signal is then given to the decoder and relay logic controller which activates the particular valve. The same decoded signal is then given to the display unit which will display the number of activated solenoid valve. Now according to present soil and temperature condition the controller circuit takes a decision which control action has to be taken . This circuit gets the feedback from soil moisture sensor , temperature sensor and humidity sensor .The controller output signal is given to the relay logic and this relay controls the final control elements. Detailed diagrammatic representation of this control and receiver block is shown in figure . In our project we have used FM transmitter as a remote control to transmit the frequency of 10khz. The circuit is started by pressing a button once to produce the one clock pulse . The receiver circuit which is tuned with transmitter receives this starting signal. The receiver circuit and decoder circuit works with supply voltage of 12v .
Water Sensing Unit:-

In a row of plantation there are two wires provided which are covered by soil. One of these wires is grounded and t he other is used to sense the moister in the soil. When the soil is wet by water the two wires gets shorted so the input to the base of transistor will be 0V. Thus transistor is in cut off region. t he collector voltage will be 5 V . This 5V is considered as logic one which is one of the input of an AND gate. Second input of gate is connected to next probe which is used to sense the water in the next row. If both in puts to AND gate are logic 1 then we get logic 1 at the output also which in turn is cascaded to another similar AND gate. At the end of cascading, there is an inverter, which inverts logic 1 to logic 0. Hence we conclude that when there is sufficient water in the row we get logic 0 at the output which keeps the relay OFF. This relay controls the supply of another relay which keep OFF the solenoid valve. Refer
Fig.No.6 Circuit Diag.of F.M. Transmitter
Fig.No.7 Circuit Diag. of Water sensing unit
In above given experiment, remote terminal is tested, the project setup is run form 50m long distance .It is found that the set up is working successfully. The project is handling a solenoid valve according to soil moisture condition.From this project we conclude that we can save natural resources of water and can increase the productivity of crop production .with saving a water about 60%.to 70% .Reaming quantity of water can be utilize to take a additional crop with a improved quality of angry product Future Development :Automation of greenhouse by using a genetic algorithm.
This project focuses on drip irrigation system used to control the amount of water in soil, the relative humidity and temperature of greenhouse. This project gives an additional facility of remote control form 50m to 200m range of radius of circle with FM based communication of frequency range of
10kHz to 40kHz for connection purpose .
This project also have additional modes such as -
1) Auto mode
2) manual mode.
This project has the capacity of handling five control valves .Out of these five control valves, three are used for irrigation control purpose and two are used for foggers control. Thus ultimately the humidity control is also handled.
Irrigation is as old as mankind and historically. Civilization has followed the development of irrigation. T h e ancient Indians and Babylonians as well as the Egyptians were prosperous and highly developed. Since they irrigated their land and thereby secured adequate food supply for their people. In modern times, when the world population is increasing by leaps and bounds, it is of almost importance to produce sufficient food to feed every one. Scientific utilization and management of irrigation water could be one of the best solutions. For the manner in which we utilize our resources can make a remarkable difference t o our achievements.
All of us aware of the gigantic strides taken by us in t h i s country for extending irrigation f aculties. At the be ginning o f the first five year plan only 26.6 million hectare of he land was under irrigation and this area has increased to 68.00 million hectare by the end of 1984-85. T he ultimate irrigation potential from both surface and ground water resources has been assessed as 113 million hectares. Even the quite a large portion of country will continue to depend upon rainfall for necessities proper planning and conservation of water and it's economical use by adopting all possible methods to increase its area under irrigation to the maximum possible extent.
As have already been stated, 56 percent of the total irrigated area is under well irrigation. Wells have been concentrated mainly in the drought prone areas where the automation is an electronic technique capable to control the process and It carries out wide variety of functions. The technique has input terminals to which sensors are connected .Switches and relays are connected to the out put terminals with final control element like control valves, lamps and motor .As the result of this automation. Operator can handle the his own greenhouse /field effectively
The irrigation facilities, which are available in India by the end of March 1983 are shown as below in table No1.
Table No.1 Irrigation Sources in India
More than 70% of our population directly depends on agriculture and remaining depends i ndirectl y on agriculture. Food being daily need of man, adequate production of food is must. The population is increasing after every decades therefore food production should also increase and for that more area should be brought under cultivation, by providing better irrigation facilities, proper irrigation system ensures full growth of crops and hence increase in yield. A sound knowledge of the climatic factors and understanding of the interdependence of the various components of the nature are essential to a scientific approach to forming based on planed cropping patterns and improved land and water management practices.
Irrigation may be broadly classified into
1) Surface Irrigation
a) Natural Surface Irrigation b) Pressurized Surface Irrigation
2) Subsurface Irrigation.
The subclassification can be shown as below in Tree Diag. No 1
Tree Diag.No.1 Classification of Irrigation
Irrigation methods:
conventional method and pressure rise method
sprinkler system:

Fig No.1 sprinkler system
In sprinkler system water is carried under pressure in pipes to a series of nozzle which spray it into the air some what resembling rain fall, Properly designed sprinklers apply water at the rate less than soils infiltration capacity so that water is immediately absorbed and does not flow. Owing to move uniform distribution of water and higher efficiency. Sprinkler irrigation is gaining .popularity at places where surface method can not be economically and efficiently used. It can be used for all types of soil and may types of crops. This method is specially useful for loamy and sandy soils. With the exception of Jammu and Kashmir in the Extreme north and in Tamilnadu in south, 80-90 percent of rainfall over the country occurs mostly during south west monsoon season. The success of agriculture in India, therefore depends primarily on the timely on set, proper amount and distribution of rains in a season . This uniformity and untimely nature of the rain has challenged the water resources and management, hence maximum utilization of the available water is become must. Apart from severe drought leading to crop failures, dry spells of varying lengths occurs in the monsoon seasons. They cause water st ress in the plants and the growth. The yields are affected adversely, if such stress periods occurs during the critical phases of the growth the crop. Therefore use of stored water during monsoon with controlled on the losses becomes the only solution. By the use of sprinkler irrigation the losses can be reduced to negligible resulting in a saving of water and more uniform distribution as well as increased yields.(see the fig No.1).

Fig No.2 Dripper
Dr ip system i s consider ed be most effi cient method of irrigation.
Irrigation efficiency is more than go percent. It saves 60% of water as
compared to surface irrigation. As t he deep percolati on losses are
prevented, there is efficient use of fertilizers. This is less labor and energy consumption method. Only limitation for adoption of this method is its high initial investment which is beyond the purchasing capacity of small farmers. At present its use is limited to
orchards and high value vegetables because of high investment.
Considering its potential, the MPAU has launched experimentation on this method to see its adaptability for irrigation various crops and plantations and to find how much water can be saved. The crops that have been covered so far are cotton, brinjal, tomato, cabbage, lady's finger, bitter guard, sugarcane, banana, lemon, pomegranate and grape. Main aim of this experimentation was to investing as to how much water is need to be applied through drip system and to find best (see t h e fig No. 2 ) level of irrigation.
Fig No 3: Drip irrigation system
Automation of irrigation system
Automation is an electronic technique capable to control the process and It carries out wide variety of functions. The technique has input terminals to which sensors are connected. Switches and relays are connected to the out put terminals with final control element like control valves, lamps and motor .As the result of this automation. Operator can handle the his own greenhouse /farm effectively .The system which we are going to design is of general type used to control drip irrigation. Basically the transmitter section consists the FM transmitter which transmits frequency of 10khz to 40khz powered by 9v battery
Fig no:4 Block Diag of F.M.
Transmitter with photo The FM transmit the Frequency between 10KHz to 40KH,. The transmitting range is up to 40m to 200m long. The LI and L2 value are used in IFT 1 is 6.8 MM and L2 is 13.6 MHz Inductance are used for
modulation through transistor BF 195. The BF 195 is the pnp type transistor and BC 548 is npn type transistor. This circuit is operated on 9v NICD battery. Controlled switch is used push-to-ON switch. Just press in single touch ,our Remote control circuit is on and transmitter antenna used for long distance transmission. The L and C network used in remote circuit, 0.25 watt resistance used in circuits.. Fig No.4 shows the block diag and Photo of transmitter ,for main details refer Fig No.6,[2] Transmitting antenna coil has 12 turns gauge of wire is 1 8G.S. ceramic disc
capacitor used are 0 . 1 to 0.03uf.
The receiver section also contains facility of two modes. The operator can select either manual mode or auto mode depending on the requirement .In auto mode , operator can set the time for drip irrigation and in manual mode operator himself can control the system.
Fig No.5 Block diag with photo of Receiver with controller With a references of Fig .No 5.,[2] In receiver section, the frequency of transmitter is received. Received signal is then given to the decoder and relay logic controller which activates the particular valve. The same decoded signal is then given to the display unit which will display the number of activated solenoid valve. Now according to present soil and temperature condition the controller circuit takes a decision which control action has to be taken . This circuit gets the feedback from soil moisture sensor , temperature sensor and humidity sensor .The controller output signal is given to the relay logic and this relay controls the final control elements. Detailed diagrammatic representation of this control and receiver block is shown in figure . In our project we have used FM transmitter as a remote control to transmit the frequency of 10khz. The circuit is started by pressing a button once to produce the one clock pulse . The receiver circuit which is tuned with transmitter receives this starting signal. The receiver circuit and decoder circuit works with supply voltage of 12v .
Water Sensing Unit:-

Fig.No.6 Circuit Diag.of F.M. Transmitter
Fig.No.7 Circuit Diag. of Water sensing unit
In above given experiment, remote terminal is tested, the project setup is run form 50m long distance .It is found that the set up is working successfully. The project is handling a solenoid valve according to soil moisture condition.From this project we conclude that we can save natural resources of water and can increase the productivity of crop production .with saving a water about 60%.to 70% .Reaming quantity of water can be utilize to take a additional crop with a improved quality of angry product Future Development :Automation of greenhouse by using a genetic algorithm.
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