E-Beam Hard Disk Drive Using Gated Carbon Nano Tube

A novel high speed, high capacity electron-beam recording technique using nano technology in a  Hard Disk Drive form factor is described. The e- beam source is a carbon nanotube (CNT) emitter and can be gated at rates up to several gigahertzes. The planned recording media is Phase Change with sub-nanosecond response times, and data read-out by Secondary Electron Emission is anticipated. The key parameters for generating  the  recording  beam  are  described  and  a preliminary design is discussed in which the CNT based Read/Write  head  replaces the  magnetic  head  in  a standard  Hard  Disk  Drive  (HDD).    The  technique sidesteps  limits  associated  with  HDD technology  and potentially  provides  far  higher  recording  densities  and higher  data rates  than  possible  with  conventional magnetic-recording. The NanoTech Disk   (NTD) approach may provide a path forward for HDD’s to the low nanometer mark scale.

An approach to high performance data recording is discussed that provides nanoscale digital electron beam recording onto rotating disc media using a gated Carbon  NanoTube (CNT) as a miniature precision electron-beam emitting source. With the ability  to record marks  in  the low  nanometer  range  and  to  achieve  gigahertz modulation bandwidths per channel, this technology may provide a  future upgrade path  for Hard Disc Drives. In addition, the  Nano  Technology  Disk  (NTD)  approach allows other options not readily available with magnetic technology,  such as dense arrays  of  Read/Write  heads and  high  performance  archival  HDD’s  employing different media.
The  goal  is  to  demonstrate  performance  beyond that  achievable  with  magnetic  technology  by  showing digital  data  recording with  sub  30nm, mark  size  and  a platter  capacity  greater  than  500  GB  per  square  inch, (>1TB  per  120  mm  diameter,  >350GB  per  3.5  inch platter),  and  read/write  rates  of  100  Megabytes  per second  or  greater. Future  performance  limits  are probably far in excess of these initial goals as mark sizes of  a  few  nanometers  should  eventually  be  possible. A secondary goal is to provide mass data storage with true archival properties in addition to re-writable media.  Media  constraints  are  also  diminished  as  with  a beam technology  the head  fly height can be much  larger  than in today’s HDD’s.
The basic approach is to adapt the existing hard disk drive  technology  shown  in Figure 1.1 and obtain a major upgrade  in  performance  by  replacing  the  magnetic Read/Write  (R/W)  head  at  the  end  of  the  actuator  arm with a CNT based NanoHead Assembly (NHA).
Figure 1.1 Typical Multi platter Hard Disk Drive
A typical HDD configuration  is shown  in Figure  1.2.  Functions  employing  the  new  technology  are  shown  in shaded portion,  elements  in  the  white  boxes  are  unchanged. Those in tan boxes use standard technology but will need updating to match the increased performance of the CNT based NanoTech Drive.   Spindle motors  are unchanged for  a  given  data  rate  at  the  same  bits  per  inch  linear density, but  smaller bits provide  increased  capacity  and require slower disk rotation speeds.
Figure 1.2 Typical Disk Drive Configuration.
Table  1.1  shows  the  potential  platter  data  capacity with  the  NanoDrive  technology as  a function  of  mark size for two standard platter diameters.   One advantage of a beam  technology over magnetics is  that  the e-beam can be focused at a distance  from  the Read/Write  head  and  consequently  the  recorded  mark size is independent of the head size and fly height.

Table 1.2.  Comparison of CNT mark size with standard magnetic recording
Table 1.2 shows the relative track widths for magnetic vs.  e-beam  R/W heads,  initially  with  the  same  down track  bit  length,  i.e. data rate. This provides an immediate increase in data capacity of about 5X without changing the disk rotation rate, spindle motor or most of the drive electronics.   Essentially, as shown in Figure 1.2, only the write driver and detector circuitry need change.

The art of recording analog or digital signal data by irradiating recording media with a focused e-beam and recording marks by thermal or electro-chemical means is well known and is widely used in some industries. Recording  devices have  been  fabricated  using  a  wide variety  of media  and  have  employed  various means  of generating  a  modulated  e-beam,  or  a  multiplicity  of beams.  In prior approaches the emitting source has been large  compared  to  the  desired  recorded  mark  size requiring  complex  electron  lenses  and  apertures  to modify and focus the beam(s) onto the recording media.  Further,  these  systems  have  invariably  required  the recording media  and  the  e-beam  source  to be  contained in the same vacuum so as to enable the electron beam to propagate  through  the  system  to  the  recording  media without  being  substantially  scattered  by  air  molecules.  Historical  brightness  values  of  2x108A.st-1.m-2 V-1  have been achieved with e-beam currents of a few micro-amps and  accelerated  by  a  few  tens  of  kilovolts,  producing beam  diameters  in  the  micron  range  and  limited  by electron  lens  designs  and  emitted  electron  velocity spread.  Current electron guns employ either a cold field emission gun or a Schottky emitter and result in e-gun assemblies far too large to be used in HDD’s a requiring an actuator mounted emitter as in Figure 1.1
The usefulness of an electron source in recording depends of several main parameters that include both the energy and the energy spread of the emitted electrons and  the  source brightness. A CNT sourced e-beam has both a significantly smaller virtual source and brightness more  than  an  order  of  magnitude  greater  than  other sources,  i.e. about  3x109A.st-1.m-2.V-1. A multi-walled CNT diameter of about 30 nanometers is achievable and provides a small virtual source size, e.g. 20 nanometers. With a 50 volt potential the CNT tip emits up to 2 micro-amps that can be focused into a nearly collimated beam with a small range of electron velocities. Current is extracted by a voltage on an annular electrode about one micron from the CNT.
Figure 2.1 CNT Emitter in Gated Cavity
Extraction voltage modulation enables gating the emitted current at low gigahertz rates. The CNT fabrication process is straightforward, rapid and reliable, with gated CNT emitters grown essentially to specification in less than one hour in a wafer fabrication environment using only metallic electrodes and dielectric insulators:  ion implantation is not required. The wafer approach leads to low cost devices via the “slice and dice “techniques.   The process also facilitates fabrication of arrays of CNT emitters. Figure 2.1 and Figure 2.2 show SEM photos of gated CNT emitters fabricated by Cambridge University (UK) for NS3.
Figure 2.2  SEM Photo of CNT Gated Emitter with 800nm Diameter Cavity. 
A typical emitted current vs. voltage curve obtained with the gated emitters is Shown in figure 2.3 .
Figure 2.3  CNT Emitter Current vs. Voltage

With beam  (e.g. laser)  recording  the  recorded mark size  is  directly dependent  on  the  beam wavelength  and mark  sizes  much  less  than  one  wavelength are  not practical. Electron  optics  obeys  essentially  the  same propagation and focusing laws as light,  but  electrons have  equivalent  wavelengths  much  smaller  than  the wavelength of visible light, enabling far smaller recorded mark sizes.
Limiting beam related factors in the design of a CNT e-beam recorder are expected to be the spherical aberration of electron lenses used in the NS3 nanohead. Electron Optics software is available from MEBS that permits accurate design and evaluation of emitter  head designs. Preliminary software analysis  shows  FWHM beams  of  30nm  or  less  are  achievable  with  simple NanoHead designs and  the  initial gated CNTs obtained by NS3 NanoHead  fabrication issues  relate to voltage isolation at small dimensions and  the need  to accurately center electrodes to minimize beam distortions.

Focused  beam  sizes  limited  by  the  lens  ‘f  number’ and  the beam wavelength, with spot diameters  less  than one  wavelength  difficult  to achieve. E-beam wavelengths are very small compared to 400nm blue light.  The kinetic energy imparted  to an electron of electric charge e and mass m falling through a potential V to a  velocity  s  is  given  by  eV  =  (1/2)  ms2. The momentum of an electron is p = ms, so eV = p2/2m and p= (2meV)1/2.

Previous  E-beam  writing  systems have usually operated in vacuum as beam  absorption  in  the  path between  the  CNT  and  the media  is  an  issue  if  a  drive “flying head” approach  is used at atmospheric pressure. A thin ‘window’ is required to protect the CNT emitter from oxidation, but a high fly height will allow most of the beam exiting a window to reach the media.
Penetration  of  low  energy  electron  beams  into  a material  depends  on  only  the  beam  energy  and  the material  density.    Electrons  will  penetrate  air  to  some small  distance  and  will  penetrate  thin  materials (membranes) which can act as windows.   Each electron maintains its original energy until it collides with a molecule of the material. Hence the number of original electrons decreases as the beam propagates into the material. Figure 5.1 shows the relative  loss of  beam energy  as  a  function  of  penetration  distance  for  an electron beam where  the  extrapolated practical  range  is Rp and  the maximum range  is Rm.   The useful range Ru, is  taken  to  be  where  75%  of  the  beam  energy  is transmitted, at about 50% of the Practical Range Rp.
Figure 2.4 Particle Transmission Ranges
Figure 7 shows the Practical Range Rp, as a function of absorber density and the beam energy and applies to essentially all materials of any density, e.g. air or metal. Dividing a value of Rp by a material density in gms.cm3 gives the range Rp in cm.
Figure 2.5  Practical Range Rp vs. Beam Energy

The Practical Range, Rp, for electrons of energy 1keV is  shown  in  Figure  9  as  about  Rp  =  1.2x10-5  gm/cm2.  The  density  of  300 0K dry air is about  1.2x10-3 gm/cm3, thus  the  Practical Range  in  air  is  1.2x10-5  /  1.2x10-3  = 1x10-2  cm., or 100 microns. From  Figure  7.1 with Rp = 100  microns,  75%  of  the  electrons  will  remain unabsorbed  after  passing  through  about  50  microns. Reducing the air pressure by half will double the useful range, and doubling the electron energy will increase the useful range by slightly more than a factor of two.

Material  absorption  characteristics  enable  the penetration  of  electrons  through  a  thin  window  to  be estimated. A typical window material, Silicon Nitride, of density 2.2 gm/cm3, has a thickness vs. electron energy relationship as in Figure 7.1. A  window  0.025 micron  (25nm)  thick  will  pass  90%  of  a  1.5kV  beam, although  some  limited  scattering  will  occur. Beam scattering diminishes and transmission increases at higher beam voltages.
Figure 2.6  Silicon Nitride Window, Transmission vs. Thickness & Beam energy
Beam Absorption In Recording Media
The  penetration of electrons into  a  material  is determined by the density  of the  media  in  which  the beam  is propagating, regardless of  the molecular weight of the material. Hence Figure 10.1 can be used to determine the minimum thickness of the recording layer needed to achieve complete absorption of the beam. Most metals have a  density  of  approximately  7gm/cm3, giving  a Practical Range of about 17nm for 500V electrons, with zero electron penetration beyond a material  thickness of Rm (=1.2Rp), = 10.5nm.   Higher velocity electrons will penetrate to an extent slightly greater than linearly, i.e. at twice the energy electrons will penetrate about 2.2 times as far. Typically the media absorption depth should approximate the recorded mark size.

NS3’s primary goal is to establish the viability of the proposed  approach  and  develop  technology  that  avoids the  limitations of  current  data  recording  technologies, with  advanced  performance  in  compact  form  factors. The developed technology should provide economically affordable high storage capacity, high read/write data rates, and fast access. The technology should be compatible with either removable or embedded media and with erasable or archival media.  Products with all of these characteristics would apply to several large market segments  now  addressed  by  numerous  current  products such  as  hard  disk  drives,  optical  discs  including  CD-ROM’s and smaller discs, floppy discs, and all tape drive systems.   Figure 1 shows  the expected user capacity  for various  standard sized platters as a  function of  recorded mark  size,  with  track  spacing  twice  the mark  size  and PRML encoded data.
The CNT e-beam technology can be embodied in disk drive designs that fall into two principle categories.
Larger media disk sizes such as 120mm diameter (CD sized) using removable media and having capacities in excess of 1 Terabyte.  Removable media implies in air media  operation  and  therefore  transmission  of  the  e-beam  through  some  air  distance.    This  implies  a  CNT structure  that  is  sealed  in  a vacuum  tight head with  the electrons  passing  through  a  semi-permeable  membrane to  the media. Another  implication of  in-air operation  is the window must be within  fifty microns or  less of  the disk  surface  for  the  beam  to  be  adequately  transmitted and  may  require  a  flying  head,  depending  on  the  disk vertical  run-out. Smaller fly heights permit greater transmission and lower beam spread due to scattering by air molecules.  Current magnetic head fly heights are far less a about 10 nm.
2…Smaller disk sizes, 2.5 inches or less using embedded non-removable media.  For this design option both the CNT head and media can be sealed in a single vacuum enclosure and an e-beam window is not required enabling smaller mark sizes. This  also  enables  lower beam  voltages  and  with  lower  disk  vertical  run-out  a vertically fixed head can be used.
Either design approach is compatible with Read Only Media  (ROM),  Archival  Media,  or  Erasable  Media, depending  on  the  intended  application,  although  the various media require development.
One possible application is low cost mass storage of truly archival media (100+ years), that is removable and robotic compatible. Archival data storage  is  not  viable using magnetic  hard disc drives  and  the only other  and currently  employed  option  is magnetic  tape. However, magnetic tape is not archival, nor is it cost effective due to  the high  cost of  storing  thousands of  removable  low data density  tape  cartridges  in  robotic  servers. Further, data access is slow due to long tape wind times and tape is inherently a fragile media.  Both issues are aggravated by thinner and longer tape used to increase cartridge capacity. Magnetic  tape  technology  therefore no  longer meets  the  need  of  capturing  and  retrieving  terabytes  of data per day and storing  the data  in an easily accessible archival  database  and  is  rapidly  becoming  obsolete. It would soon be abandoned except that, unfortunately, today there is no other alternative.

While  the  ability  to  record  nanoscale  marks  by  e-beam  radiation  is  not  in  doubt,  the  read mechanism  is less  certain  but  can  be  based  upon  prompt  emission  of secondary electrons upon media  irradiation by a  read e-beam.  Many media options exist as all materials exhibit secondary electron emission (SEE).The  ratio of secondary  to  primary  electrons  (SEE  coefficient,  δ)  is usually  greater  than  unity  and  depends  on  the material and  the  primary  electron  energy.  There  is  a  specific electron  energy  that  gives  a  maximum  value  of  δ  for each  material.    Initially  δ  increases  with  the  primary electron  energy  until  a maximum  value  is  reached.   At higher primary electron energies secondary electrons are generated deeper  into  the  material  and  are  reabsorbed resulting in lower δ values.
One  possible  archival media  is  a  very  thin  layer  of gold  deposited  on  a  thin  layer  of RbSb.   The  optimum electron energy for reading is about 300-450 volts, at the peak  SEE  output  of  the  RbSb  sub-layer,  and  for unwritten media the lower gold SEE ratio at this voltage will apply and few electrons will be emitted. Writing is accomplished  by  melting  both  layers  so  the  gold  is absorbed  or mixed  into  the RbSb  layer.   On data read, without the gold top layer, the SEE response of the RbSb will dominate and the readout SEE rate will be about 8X greater as shown in Figure 10.1.
The SEE outputs are ‘prompt’ and occur picoseconds after e-beam irradiation.    Similar  media  designs  using RbSb  can  be  considered  using  a  variety  of  low  δ   SEE materials; tin, lead, indium, gallium etc. A similar approach could use a two layer media with Rubidium deposited over Antimony. With an under layer of Antimony  (Sb),  and  a  layer  of Rubidium  (Rb, δ =0.9) on top, the unwritten response would be low, but on  melting  the  layers  would  mix,  and  after  cooling increase  the  SEE  response to that  of  RbSb at  δ =7.1.  Control of  the  initial deposited layer thicknesses provides  the  Rb,  Sb  mix  for  maximum  SEE  output shown in Figure 10.2.

The  initial  design  approach  employs  a  rotating  disk with an e-beam  sensitive media  layer and a CNT based read/write head assembly 0.5mm in diameter, 1mm long, mounted on an actuator arm.  The entire CNT/electrodes structure is located in a vacuum housing with the CNT at one  end  and  the  e-beam  exiting  the  structure  through  a semi-permeable  membrane  at  the  other.    The  multi-walled CNT of any chirality has a length of about 800nm and  is  nominally  30nm  in  diameter.    A  first  gating aperture electrode is located concentric to and 1µm from the CNT tip and is nominally at a 50 volt potential to the CNT, providing a beam current of 0.1 micro amps, with over  1µA  available.    A  second  concentric  focusing electrode is distant 1 µm from the gating electrode and at the CNT potential.   A window 20 nm thick is located as a seal at the end of the vacuum enclosure and 1mm from the  CNT.    An  aperture  electrode  is  located  inside  the window at a positive accelerating voltage of 1.5KV.  The focusing voltage is adjusted so the e-beam is brought to a slow focus 10-20 microns from the window exterior with the media 15microns from the head structure.

Carbon nanotube technology is relatively new but has advanced rapidly the design and fabrication of a read-write head is now viewed as a design development task.  Implementing appropriate media entails some small risk as does achieving the desired track following accuracy. The use of a CNT based Nano Head Assembly enables several innovations not practical with today’s HDD’s.  These are possible as CNT emitters can be grown in close proximity to each other. Mark detection schemes rely on electron interaction with the media, an area of little data, but offering many media possibilities.

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