This was all started a little while ago.We created a blog mainly for Engineering students,considering in mind about their need for engineering projects,seminars,paper presentation and all sort of stuff which could help them enhancing their own capabilities. We are very happy to mention here that the students,teachers from different parts of the world liked us in very little span of time and number of our readers and followers are increasing day by day.Within a few months of our journey we were favorite choice of thousand of students & now we are growing very rapidly.So now we decide to serve you with more efficient manner,by turning this blog into a complete website...a complete makeover. We believe ; 'change is good' and so now we present you the new and enhanced version of EMP i.e.'BetaEngineers'. As having a website opens new ways to reach Engineering students of all over the world,we will continue to follow our main path which is 'Sharing'.We will serve you with new & better projects and different stuffs in coming days,and we hope that we will become not only 'your choice' but your 'numero uno' choice for projects,ppts,seminars etc. We have also started new sections like 'downloads' where we will provide u the latest and certainly required software,PPTs,Engineering e-books etc. Remember, " The impossible is possible until life is possible." Believe in us and believe in self,you will succeed in your goal.We are really waiting for your response,please make your valuable suggestions for improvement of this platform and do tell us your requirement for any Engineering related stuff.
'Stay connected'.... ...HAPPY READING !!!
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